Become a Youth Vote Leader today!

October 18, 2020

Learn how you can volunteer on our Youth Vote Leaders Page. Email us at ! We really need your help before the Nov. 3rd election!

“I think that it is important to vote as a youth because we have different perspectives and experiences than the majority of the voting population. As teenagers and students, we witness first hand the problems that we need to face in the education system, which is the base of many prejudices in our society.” -Youth Age 17

“I am most concerned that things won’t change fast enough. The world is starting to realize how many deep-seated issues there are, but I just hope it’s not too late to fix them.” – Youth Age 16

“My biggest concern about the future is if the planet will be around for us. With how climate change is going, I believe that what we have done is now irreversible. I feel that this is my biggest concern because we can’t worry about money if there is no planet for us to live on.” – Youth Age 16

“I believe it is important to vote as a youth because it is our generation that has to live with the future and majority of the world’s population are youth, so shouldn’t we be able to take part in deciding the outcome of our future? “- Youth Age 15

“It’s important because a lot of people don’t take voting seriously, and it’s important for everyone to know how important voting is, especially when you’re young.” – Youth Age 14

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